Tuesday, September 4, 2007

We have to do something about this

A Jordanian blogger (who-sane) and his family went through horrible 9 days because of the irresponsibility of some employees in Prince Hamza Hospital (a public hospital in Amman).
Read his story

This is a big issue, not only because of what who-sane and his family went through, but also because we can't know who's the next victim. It might be you, me or anybody.
I believe its not the first time something like this happens, but it must be the last. Hence,
I think the government should take a serious action in response to this tragedy, if you think the same do something about it.
Write about this in a newspaper, a magazine or at least in your blog, try to use the power of the Jordanian blogsphere.

Update: check this interesting post in IDEAS blog.

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